Thursday, 15 September 2011

AO1: An Analysis Of The Marketing Mix for At least One Product

The Inbetweeners Movie:

I will be analysing the marketing for "The Inbetweeners Movie", through posters, interviews with cast, trailers and websites and social media networks for the movie. Firstly, the poster for The Inbetweeners Movie.  This gives a basic overview of the film and relies fairly heavily on previous knowledge of the TV series that it is based on and as it should, leaves you to second guess what the film is about.  Although the poster is supposed to give detail of the storyline of the film The Inbetweeners Movie poster gives out vague information about the film content, location and theme, and the poster just highlights the main four characters. The poster consists of the cast in the centre of the poster with the out of focus background of an unknown location,most likely a 18-30 holiday resort. From the background image at the top of the screen it says "This summer four boys become men"which indicates that they are on a rite of passage, this also gives the idea of the film being set in a location notorious for casual sex and excessive drinking and the potential viewers to let their imagination take hold about the antics that will be shown in the movie. The way that the characters are dressed in the poster give away the fact that they are more relaxed in this film than in the TV show, there are not as many rules to be followed abroad instead of there normal day to day routine (i.e they are not in school).  The movie was made based on the initially cult popularity and then the widening audience as it became more and more popular the film was also intended to be a finale to The Inbetweeners franchise as at the end of the film the four characters go their separate ways (University and work). The font used in the poster is in neon lighting which matches the rest of the posters background. The word movie is at a slant and a different colour and font, to show that this is the film and separate to the TV show. The bottom of the poster is a link to the facebook site and also mentions film 4, dolby digital, Entertainment Film Distributors, Bwark Productions and Young Films.

The Teaser Trailer unlike like the Movie Poster gives the location for the setting of the film and leaves the viewer under no illusion as to the direction of the film and the possibilities of what the cast will be up to. They are walking down a street in Mallia, Greece. The whole trailer the four focus characters stand out because they look out of place and out of their depth. They come from a suburban english cul-de-sac, this is enhanced by everything around them being blurred. Everyone else in the trailer seems more confident than Will, Jay, Simon and Neil; they are all in different types of clothing (semi-naked) tattooed and streetwise. The trailer says that it comes out summer 2011, but does not give a date yet so it is a little vague as to the release date in order to build excitement and anticipation. It is released in summer because most people are out of college and school so the target audience will be able to see the movie at this time, also the film is set during the summer holidays.

Some of the many interviews of the main characters of The Inbetweeners Movie were done by LoveFilm and Empire Magazine. LoveFilm is a large internet based movie rentals company, and a good way to get more people to use LoveFilm is to interview the stars of a new popular film. Empire interview the cast of the inbetweeners movie because they know that the majority of the readership will want to read about how the inbetweeners are going to finish the franchise by making a feature length movie. Both companies hope to increase the number of  people visiting their websites due to The Inbetweeners Movie because of the younger audience it attracts. It also benefits The Inbetweeners Movie because a wider audience will be reading the interview and will possibly change their mind on whether or not to see the film. This is called indirect marketing because it is not put out by the film company, but it can sometimes backfire if the film gets a bad review.

The Inbetweeners Movie poster

The Inbetweeners Movie Teaser Trailer

The Inbetweeners LoveFilm Interview

The Inbetweeners Empire Magazine Interview

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