Saturday, 10 December 2011



The original marketing plan I had for my product has changed due to the feedback I got from the focus group. Originally the marketing plan consisted of showing the film in cinemas one year after Assassins Creed Revelations was released on the same date.  The Assassins Creed franchise has consisted of seven games that cross over the PC, Xbox, PS3 and IPod out of these games the story has been spread out between them following Desmond Miles as he is relieving the memories of his ancestors.

The merchandise that I am planning to use to promote the film is a T-shirt, mouse-pad and a hat, which will all follow the conventions of the Assassins Creed colour scheme and will all show the Assassins Creed logo. The merchandise will be used to promote the film by gaining attention from the audience also by having people wearing the merchandise they are also promoting the franchise by displaying the logo and title.

The release dates for the posters, according to my focus group, were going to be released too close to the release date of the film. So to fix this problem I will be bringing out the posters a few months further in advance so that the advertisement will be seen by a greater amount of people before the films release date.

The movie posters are only teasers thats why little information is given on them if i had made a full theatrical poster, it would include more information about the company that is involved in producing the film along with the UbiSoft logo and website seeing that the franchise was created by UbiSoft, also the credit block showing the actors and the companies behind the film. The movie posters were liked by the focus group even though they are teasers in particular they liked how the logo to the franchise appeared in the posters. The only thing the focus group thought might needed changing is the colour scheme to be changed on the first poster (Right) with the second poster (Left) change the colour to the first poster so that the background is teal and the only other colours are white and grey which are the main focus colours to the assassins creed franchise.

The film book release was not mentioned properly during the presentation I had to explain that the book is a competition prize to get it six months before the original release the book was planned to come with the collector’s edition of the DVD the fact I left this out of the presentation left a gap in the whole presentation needing for me to go over the product again just to explain it in detail about how that with the collectors edition of the DVD the book will be a part of the collector’s edition.

The focus group also asked why there was no video on the presentation because they thought that the video would give a better view to what the film is about including some audio of what the soundtrack would be like.  Thanks to the focus group will be able to improve the presentation so that there are video’s and audio clips on the presentation so that there will be more for people to get a grasp on how the film will be marketed and advertised the focus group specifically asked if there was a trailer for the film so that is something that would also be needed to be included for the presentation to get better feedback from the focus group. What I will change on my presentation based on the focus group will be that people want to see more video in the presentation because it was only pictures and text on the presentation which include trailer for the film, audio clip from the soundtrack to the film and possibly a short history to the franchise.

All of the feedback that I have gained from the focus group will help with the changes that I can make using this audience feedback, the main points that the focus group gave me to change are the colour scheme for the posters which the problems were the release dates for them the dates will be changed to an earlier date. The merchandise for the film according to the focus group was as they thought it should be the merchandise consisted of a mouse-pad t-shirt and a hat which all had the logo and the name of the film on apart from the mouse-pad thanks to the focus group I will be able to find the best place to sell the merchandise I was thinking at the start by selling it all at HMV but the focus group gave me ideas to sell in game shops music shops and film shops to get more publicity for the film as well by having the merchandise being seeing in a variety of different stores. The film clips I can make a short teaser trailer for the film and also compose a short one, minuet clip of music, which would be shown at some part in the film. With the feedback I have gained from the focus group the marketing plan will be able to stretch to a wider audience and also get more people into the assassins creed franchise.

The marketing plan for my products are to have them placed around in places that the majority of the target audience would visit i am planning to place the posters in different types of shops which i know the target audience visit like game shops, computer shops and film shops i will also send out the posters to E3 where i know a large group of people visit every year and people watch online if they cant make it to California for the festival. The publicity for the film will be gathered of the corse of 8 months the majority will come from E3 because of the amount of people who view the festival, the film will be including a short 5-10 minuet clip to be shown on the UbiSoft press conference.

The article that will be shown in the magazines which are known to gain high sales which are: Total Gamer, Official Xbox Magazine, Official Playstation Magazine, Total Film and FHM. the article will give out information behind the storyline of the film along with how the film came and information about the Assassins Creed Franchise. The Magazines will also feature with the Article a small scene from the film showing the abduction of Desmond this is a deleted scene from the film it wont be shown in the feature film but will be available with the DVD the scene will show how Abstergo forced Desmond into the Animus to find the Apple of Eden.

The Meaning of copyright is copyright applies to any medium. This means that you must not reproduce copyright protected work in another medium without permission. This includes, publishing photographs on the internet, making a sound recording of a book, a painting of a photograph and so on. The copyright dose not effect my products because of UbiSoft allow the reuse of there logo for Assassins Creed. Ofcom is a company that regulates TV and radio this will not affect my product at the moment because i don't use radio or TV in my presentation but the closer i get to the release date there will be a trailer that will show on TV and it will be monitored by Ofcom and will be classified by the BBFC. The BBFC classify films due to the age limits for the film i am marketing in my view is classified as a 15-18. I personally could not find any kind of code or practice that involves my products that comply to the ASA.

The reason that I believe that the Assassins Creed franchise will sell a movie is because of the amount of copies of the games have been sold worldwide (Graph)

*Sales up to 8th December released November 15th 

Assassins Creed is a popular franchise the main games which are Assassins Creed and Assassins Creed II there are the main games and have the highest number of sales Assassins Creed Brotherhood and Revelations are spin offs to Assassins creed II which is why they don’t have as many sales as the main storyline even though the spin offs to the main story may not have the same sales as the main games they still sell a lot of copies because of the franchise.

Monday, 21 November 2011

Presentation for Audience Feedback

Presentation Script:
Slide 1: Marketing Plan:
My poster will give a dark background with the Assassins Creed Logo appearing on one an the other will show the main characters Ezio, Altier and Desmond
The backgrounds will be bold colour’s there might also be locations that link into the Assassins Creed story being used as a background as-well.

Slide 2: Legal and Ethical:
The Legal for my poster will need to stay in line with these guidelines.
A government has to ensure that the advertisement follows the rules & regulations, this means no advertisement showing anti-national feelings, containing misleading information about the product and violate government rules can be used in advertisement.
The Ethical for the poster means it should not break these rules.
All advertisement should be decent, honest and truthful.
All advertisement should be prepared with a sense of social responsibility and should conform to the principles of fair competitions as a generally accepted business 
No advertisement should impure public confidence in all types of advertisement.
The ASA is a regulatory body that looks over visual and viral advertisement my poster dose not affected by the ASA’s Misleading Advertisement section on there CAP.

Slide 3: Marketing Plan:
For the article I am planning to show it in a various selection of gaming magazines like the OXM, OPM and other gaming magazines also be shown in film magazines like Total Film and Empire Magazine. The article will give out a lot of information about the film and also how the games will link into the movie by showing main events from each game then moving in to the actual film.

Slide 4: Legal and Ethical:
The article dose not break the Defamation act, there is no mention of slander in the article towards none.
The copyright is not broken the images used and font used are not owned my a specific person the images are owned by ubisoft and ubisoft allow people to use there pictures. The font is Times New Roman, which is a standard font on all documents.

Slide 5: Marketing plan:
Merchandise I chose suit the target audience for the film the Merchandise the main target audience for this film is gamers.
The mouse-pad for PC gamers, the shirt because most gamers buy shirts with the games logo people also buy hats with the game logo on or football logo.

Slide 6: Adverts:
Poster: 20th May 2012
Trailer: 8th June 2012
Soundtrack CD(including scene): 12th October 2012
Film Book (artwork and DVD's): start 13th November 2012
I have chosen these dates because the release of the trailer coincides with E3 a gaming festival which was where the newest Assassins Creed Game was announced.
Soundtracks and film book are because to see what people think of them before the film is released on the 15th of November 12 one year after the last Assassins Creed game released.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Risk Assessment Merchandise (photos)

Audience feedback (plan)

How it will be obtained:

  • Advanced screenings of the film at E3 & comi-con
  • Interactive clips on youtube 
  • Internet questionnaires 
A private screening for select views at E3 on the first day along with the first 5 minuets of the film with the Ubisoft press conference.

on youtube 1-2 minute clips monitoring the likes and dislikes of the videos

Internet questionnaires on the Ubisoft web page along with and when the questionnaire is finished there will be a link to the first 15 minutes of the film to people who scored 8+ and the 5 minutes reviled at E3 to people who scored 7-.



Thursday, 3 November 2011

Feature Article Legal and Ethical

The article dose not break the Defamation act, there is no mention of slander in the article towards no-one.

The copyright is not broken the images used and font used are not owned my a specific person the images are owned by ubisoft and ubisoft allow people to use there pictures. The font is Times New Roman which is a standard font on all documents.

Risk Assessment Article (Photos)

Evidence of Post Production

feature Article

The feature article

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Marketing Plan (article)

For the article i am planning to show it in a various selection of gaming magazines like the OXM, OPM and other gaming magazines also be shown in film magazines like Total Film and Empire Magazine.

The article will give out a lot of information about the film and also how the games will link into the movie by showing main events from each game then moving in to the film.

Risk Assessment of Teaser Posters (Photos)

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Meeting Minuets

Legal & Ethical

A government has to ensure that the advertisement follows the rules & regulations, this means no advertisement showing anti-natinal feelings, containing misleading information about the product and violate government rules can be used in advertisement.

All advertisement should be decent, honest and truthful.
All advertisement should be prepared with a sense of social responsibillity and should conform to the principles of fair competitions as a generally accepted business 
No advertisement should impure public confidence in all types of advertisement.

The poster is not effected by the ASA's misleading advertisement section on the CAP code.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Marketing Plan (Teaser Poster)

My Ideas for a Poster are:
  1. Grey background
  2. Multiple character's on poster 
  3. Different locations
  4. Different timelines
  5. Dark lighting
  6. Show partial narrative 
  7. Give date of release 
  8. Focus on present day
Where it will be shown:
  1. Cinemas
  2. Game Shop
  3. Blockbuster Shop
  4. CD/DVD Shop's
How the layout will be shown:
  1. Show main focus character 
  2. Show secondary Character's
  3. Italian and English Locations or Plain Backgrounds

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

AO2 - Promotion 2

The day after the the movie's release there will be a competition in the three main magazines the film is advertised in Total Film, OXM and the Official Playstation Magazine. The competition will be for the original concept book filled with artwork for the location and the interior of the locations with bonus DVD's including a blooper reel, deleted scenes and directors cut.

AO2 - Content of Adverts

The ASA will be used to check to see wether or not the advert complies to the advertising standards for the UK. Also will make sure the content for the advert, will be the right content for the specific age group. CAP will check to see if the printed adverts in Total Film, OXM and official playstation magazine will be monitored so it is less time consuming.

The content of the advert will be changed depending on how these organisations react to the advertisement for the movie, and poster the ASA will be able to change the advert for the selected target audience and CAP can change the print advert for the target age.

AO2 - Official Research bodies gaining feedback

The research bodies that will give me my feedback are CAVIAR and the ASA.

CAVIAR: will be getting audience feedback from a private screening of the film to see how people like the movie, and to see what kind of age group preferred it to see what age group to advertises it for.

BARB: will be finding out how people react to the adverts for the film, by checking to see how people reacted to what viewing time. We can think of a time to place the adverts and on what channel was getting most views at that time.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

AO2 - Release Dates

The release dates for the adverts and promotions are

Poster; 20th May 2012
Trailer; 8th June 2012

Soundtrack CD(including scene); 12th October 2012
Film Book (artwork and DVD's); start 13th November 2012

AO2 - Promotion

My first promotion will be giving a copy of the original film soundtrack to three magazines. These will be: Total Film, OXM and the Official playstation magazine. The soundtrack will be forty songs long, each song lasting about 4-5 mins. Each CD will have a promotional scene from the film, the magazines will also include a poster of the film.

AO2 - Advert Poster (Design)

The poster will show a grey/white background. within the top left corner a view of Italy, and in the right corner a view of Jerusalem. In the middle, a view of Desmond, most of his face blacked out from the hood. On the left side, a view of Ezio, on the right a view of Altier. The top of the poster will show the film name "Assassins Creed Generations" and at the bottom of the poster will show the release date "12.12.12".

Fist Draft of Poster

AO2 - how feedback will be gained

The feedback will be gained using the promotions and the adverts. The Adverts will be used to try and get  a larger group to see the film by showing a part of the story without giving too much information away. The promotions will be used to get people an insight into the film buy giving out one copy of the soundtrack to a magazine as a prize so people can judge the type of film by listening to the music from the film weeks/months before the film is out. Feedback will also be gained because i will be using and online questionnaire for people to answer and to see what people most like about the trailer and work on that information for the second trailer and poster.

AO2 - Advert Trailer (script)

The trailer for the film will be showing Desmond Miles as he first enters the Animus with flash-backs to Altair ibn la ahad, his first ancestor. Altier will be shown at the start of the memory sequence showing Altier and two other Assassins infiltrating a crypt. There is a flash of black, then white as Desmond gets out of the Animus showing his escape from Abstergo industries and climbing back into another Animus to relive the memories of Ezio Auditore da Firenze in the italian Renaissance. Then the trailer shows how Ezio became an assassin, witnessing his father and brothers death and a quick flash showing brief glimpses of Ezio's life as he goes through Florence, Venice, Rome, Monteriggioni and Istanbul. Then showing Desmond climb out of the Animus again, the background blurring out into a white walled room as Desmond puts on the armour of an Assassin. As Desmond is raising the hood of his armour,  the back wall turns black as two white glowing figures of Ezio Auditory da Firenze and Altier ibn la ahad appear. Then the whole screen blacks out as the Assassins Creed logo fades in text on the screen saying "Join the Brotherhood 12,12,12".  The text blurs and changes to "Assassins Creed Generations"

throughout the trailer there will be a voiceover with Desmond speaking.

Desmond: When I joined this war I did not know it would span a lifetime but I soon found out it took many before me, my ancestors started this war and I wont be the one to finish it this war spread all over the worldAltier was at the start of this war against the Templars the war took his life and many years later my ancestorEzio carried it on his journey took him to Rome and Istanbul they have given me training using the animus Ihave lived their memories and learnt what they learnt I am Desmond Miles an Assassin. 

Thursday, 6 October 2011

AO2 - Promotions

The two promotions i can use for my film are a Promotional soundtrack from the film and all the games and also a mix of official Merchandise from Ubisoft (includes: Shirts, Hoodies, Screen Prints, Books, Comics, Figures and Accessories). The Merchandise works for most films (Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia and Mortal Kombat) because they have there own fan base which means for the film they would make some kind of merchandise to sell and give away at the cinema when the film is being released the film i have chosen has a fan bace which is over one million people who play the games read the books, comics watch the videos and with this they will buy merchandise like shirts with the games logo on hoodies with the same make style from the games and also concept art drawn by the game designers. The films might be released on the same day that the original game's release date.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

AO2 - Market Research

Market Research for Film.

Assassins Creed Target audience is mainly males 15-30

About the Target audience of the film:
Anyone who has bought or plays the Assassins Creed games will be interested in seeing the movie, because it will keep to the same storyline as the games with the same locations and characters. The Film will be adapted to be viewed over a larger audience so that you would not necessarily have to have played the games to know what will be happening, or the general plot of the movie. Other movies that have been adapted from games are Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat, Doom, Prince Of Persia, Assassins Creed Lineage (Ascendance) and Hitman, all of which were very successful.

The Aims are to get a larger group of people to enjoy the Assassins Creed not just the target audience. TV and radio advertising, internet advertising and newspaper and magazine coverage will all help in trying to attract people from outside the target audience to develop an interest in the franchise. The use of popular actors in the films will also allow those actors fan-base to develop an interest in the franchise who would not normally be interested in a film of this genre.

The use of social media like Facebook, twitter etc. Will also try and exploit other potential viewers outside of the general target audience.

Links on social media networks can also deliver teaser trailers and link into feedback questionnaires and allow focus groups to interpret that feedback to assist in marketing and targeting.

AO2 - Part 2

The Product is a newly released Film

The Aims are to get a large audience to see the film

The Target Audience are fans of the Assassins Creed Franchise.

The Market is Global

The Adverts will be showing the film as it goes through Desmond, Altier and Ezio how Desmond relives there lives learning the secrets of the assassins the film will clear up all of the plot holes from the games and the books.

The Promotions will be through Game Magazines and Film Magazines like (OXM,OPM,Empire)

I will get Customer Feedback by using: Facebook, Websites, Blogs and Questionnaires

Official research bodies are: Empire, Ubisoft (Website and Magazine), Official Xbox Magazine, Official Playstation Magazine and Total Film Magazine

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Name: Sam Bishop

Complete the following

Useful sites:

What is BARB? Outline its function and how it works
BARB is the Broadcasters Audience Research. BARB base research on 5,100 homes and record the TV they watch and feedback the amount of time on the channel and what shows were watched and for how long

What is RAJAR? Outline its function and how it works
RAJAR is the Radio Joint Audience Research Limited. the RAJAR will be testing n how the radio is portrayed in different houses by asking someone who lives in the house to write a radio diary of what they listen to and for how long they listen to it.

What is the Audit Bureau of Circulation? Outline its function and how it works
Audit Bureau of Circulation is also known as ABC.  ABC have two main functions and they are to manage and uphold standards which reflect media industry needs. These standards determine best practice in how media industry data is prepared and reported, and offer a world class audit and compliance service to check that data and processes meet these industry agreed standards.

What is ASA? Outline its function and how it works
ASA is the Advertising Standers Authority. the Function of the ASA is to regulate the content of advertisements direct marketing in the UK, by investigating the complaints made about the adverts and deciding whether or not the adverts comply with its advertising standards 

What is CAVIAR? Outline its function and how it works
Cinema and video in Audience research. provide reliable cinema audience figures for MEDIA PLANNERS, which it derives from periodic sample surveys of about 2,500 British cinema-goers between the ages of 7 and 44.

What is CAP? Outline its function and how it works
CAP is the Committee of Advertising Practice. CAP regulates all print advertising to prevent the need for time consuming government legislation.

Friday, 30 September 2011

The Debt film trailer 2011

Film genre – Drama - Thriller
Release date – 30th September 2011

Certification – 15

Storyline – The espionage thriller begins in 1997, as shocking news reaches retired Mossad secret agents Rachel and Stefan about their former colleague David. All three have been venerated for decades by their country because of the mission that they undertook back in 1966, when the trio tracked down Nazi war criminal Vogel in East Berlin. At great risk, and at considerable personal cost, the team's mission was accomplished - or was it? The suspense builds in and across two different time periods, with startling action and surprising revelations.

Stars - Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington and Tom Wilkinson

Target audience – the target audience is people who enjoy war films about nazi's and bond films mainly people in an older generation seeing that the film is about Mossad the Israeli intelligence agency 

Where would you see it - you would see this film at Cineworld, ODEAN and  

Price - £6.70


Trailer - April 27th

The posters are different in every location including that they say different things for the title

UK Poster- July 3rd
US Poster- May 14th 
German Poster- June 26th
Russian Poster- July 6th
French Poster- May 2nd

Advanced screening - August 30th 


Internet Interview- August 31st
Interview- September 26th
Internet Interview- september 23rd

American Poster
The American poster gives out a lot more information than the English poster it give a release date August 31st also has the credit block of people and companies involved in the production the website for the film a small picture of the Berlin bridge to show the location of the film also two pictures of the film showing the main characters in two different aspects of the film giving you the idea that the film is in two different time periods.

 English Poster
The English poster has very little information it shows the cast the name of the film the release date and just noticeable under the title is a map to a unknown location you can tell that the map is about the film but don't know where the map is from if you look at the American poster as well then you notice that the film will be set in Berlin don't know much about where about in Berlin but it gives a little information to the film 

The Dept Website
 The website for the Debt shows the trailer the location, cast and crew, story, photos and news/reviews the website gives out all the information needed to be on a website the website also includes buying tickets and the american Facebook webpage all of this show that the film has a fan bace of over 22 thousand.

The Debt Facebook
The Facebook page gives out information daily to the people who liked the page showing interviews with the cast newspapers and promotional videos trailers and pictures of the cast on the set and still images from the film

The Film Premiere
The Film coverage of the Debt at the premiere focused mainly of Helen Mirren and how she dressed for the opening there was little coverage about the other actors the newspapers focused mainly on Dame Helen Mirren and about her in the film showing that most newspapers we able to focus on the main star than the others because of Helen Mirren's star status.

Film Reviews
Total Film and Empire Magazine wrote a review of The Debt. Total Film says "Smart and suspenseful, The Debt packs in enough surprises to make you forgive its last minute collapse. Chastain, meanwhile, shows why everybody’s talking about her" the film in the opinion of Total Film it is a dramatical version of James Bond but based on a more accurate movie. Empire give the Debt a rating of three stars saying that the film will be a exiting thriller about hunting Nazis but also is an old-fashioned film idea according to Peter Bradshaw.

T.V. Interviews
Tv interviews on BBC are about the making of The Debt with Jessica Chastain The actress tells BBC Breakfast how she learned German for the film about a group of secret agents working for the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, and took four months of lessons in the fighting system used by the agency.  Hellen Mirren says that the film is like a Hitchcock film how the director had the whole film edited in his mind. She also discusses cocaine use, Shakespeare's female roles and the film industry's "love of youth and beauty". The actress is currently making a film about Phil Spector's trial, with Al Pacino as the lead role. Jonathan Ross also interviewed the cast because he is married to one of the writers Jane Goldman.

Film Festivals
The film Festivals are used to show off films and to get the reaction of people before the film is sent to the cinema for a paying audience to watch and enjoy.

There are competitions for the film for two tickets to see the film the day it releases on the 30th of september the new statesman is giving a lucky reader the chance to see the Debt on the release date.

On Amazon you can buy the Debt soundtrack with a digital booklet for $12.99 the album contains all audio files that are in the film which most you will not notice because sometimes the music is very quiet so buying the album might be the only way to relive the movie before the film comes out on DVD. 

Thursday, 15 September 2011

AO1: An Analysis Of The Marketing Mix for At least One Product

The Inbetweeners Movie:

I will be analysing the marketing for "The Inbetweeners Movie", through posters, interviews with cast, trailers and websites and social media networks for the movie. Firstly, the poster for The Inbetweeners Movie.  This gives a basic overview of the film and relies fairly heavily on previous knowledge of the TV series that it is based on and as it should, leaves you to second guess what the film is about.  Although the poster is supposed to give detail of the storyline of the film The Inbetweeners Movie poster gives out vague information about the film content, location and theme, and the poster just highlights the main four characters. The poster consists of the cast in the centre of the poster with the out of focus background of an unknown location,most likely a 18-30 holiday resort. From the background image at the top of the screen it says "This summer four boys become men"which indicates that they are on a rite of passage, this also gives the idea of the film being set in a location notorious for casual sex and excessive drinking and the potential viewers to let their imagination take hold about the antics that will be shown in the movie. The way that the characters are dressed in the poster give away the fact that they are more relaxed in this film than in the TV show, there are not as many rules to be followed abroad instead of there normal day to day routine (i.e they are not in school).  The movie was made based on the initially cult popularity and then the widening audience as it became more and more popular the film was also intended to be a finale to The Inbetweeners franchise as at the end of the film the four characters go their separate ways (University and work). The font used in the poster is in neon lighting which matches the rest of the posters background. The word movie is at a slant and a different colour and font, to show that this is the film and separate to the TV show. The bottom of the poster is a link to the facebook site and also mentions film 4, dolby digital, Entertainment Film Distributors, Bwark Productions and Young Films.

The Teaser Trailer unlike like the Movie Poster gives the location for the setting of the film and leaves the viewer under no illusion as to the direction of the film and the possibilities of what the cast will be up to. They are walking down a street in Mallia, Greece. The whole trailer the four focus characters stand out because they look out of place and out of their depth. They come from a suburban english cul-de-sac, this is enhanced by everything around them being blurred. Everyone else in the trailer seems more confident than Will, Jay, Simon and Neil; they are all in different types of clothing (semi-naked) tattooed and streetwise. The trailer says that it comes out summer 2011, but does not give a date yet so it is a little vague as to the release date in order to build excitement and anticipation. It is released in summer because most people are out of college and school so the target audience will be able to see the movie at this time, also the film is set during the summer holidays.

Some of the many interviews of the main characters of The Inbetweeners Movie were done by LoveFilm and Empire Magazine. LoveFilm is a large internet based movie rentals company, and a good way to get more people to use LoveFilm is to interview the stars of a new popular film. Empire interview the cast of the inbetweeners movie because they know that the majority of the readership will want to read about how the inbetweeners are going to finish the franchise by making a feature length movie. Both companies hope to increase the number of  people visiting their websites due to The Inbetweeners Movie because of the younger audience it attracts. It also benefits The Inbetweeners Movie because a wider audience will be reading the interview and will possibly change their mind on whether or not to see the film. This is called indirect marketing because it is not put out by the film company, but it can sometimes backfire if the film gets a bad review.

The Inbetweeners Movie poster

The Inbetweeners Movie Teaser Trailer

The Inbetweeners LoveFilm Interview

The Inbetweeners Empire Magazine Interview